Tag: Poetry

  • Well Done !

    Well Done !

    I am also stupid, stating that before I make the original statement of me being rash, which means I’ve rushed into making both statements, so in stating that I instigate a state that leaves me stale, oh well, or elephants footstep in a marsh to an ant, or an ants aunt or the other queen,…

  • Dessert


    by Sadig Gasim Mukhayer Nothing quells my hunger Nothing quenches my thirst Nothing eases the pain I’ve felt since I desserted my dessert Nothing seems as silly Nothing seems quite so absurd Nothing to me holds less meaning Than these very words Everything’s what you mean Everything’s what I’d do Everything I said I mean…

  • Daydreamer


    by Ali Guduf Windy currents carrying The moon peeking behind cloud Stars a glitter As they all play hide n seek in the sky with eyes you see As your soul begs a plea Can you see it all tonight… Can you see it all tonight… When weights of misfortune Will stop to rest As…

  • Too Soon

    Too Soon

    by Ali Guduf             Laughter A hearts splitting cry Tears dissolving mascara A wonderous shiver A moment’s begging for love A petal’s spiral to the dry grass Times cruel misleading to waste The infinite trail of love lost A damsel the heart denied forgetting The memories persistence to rememberance My…

  • Tired


    by Sarra Deya  Do you know what a priceless, one-of-a-kind, worthy-of- her-own-display-in-a-museum treasure you have in your hands? Do you know that God has blessed you with a woman who would give you the world? Her world, your world and any other world she can find to give to you Give you her very soul?…

  • الثانية صباحاً

    الثانية صباحاً

    by Tasneem Nagi أطباق تنتظرني في حوض الغسيل قالب على شكل قلب تلتصق بأطرافه شوكولا محروقة احترقت هي وبقيت لذة الذكرى الوقت يزحف إلى أعماق الليل واستدارة خضراء صغيرة تجاور إسمي على شاشاتهم جميعا تعلن عن وجودي الإفتراضي أنا هنا تحتها أخط بعجرفة رسالة إليك كيف أنك الإنشاء الذي يساند “زهاء” خطوطي المجنونة كيف أنك…

  • The Girl Who Knows

    The Girl Who Knows

    by Adam Hani Once upon a big-haired lover, The world came tumbling through, I stood and bus-waited and in my head made a poem and unwrote it again just for you A poem for a love I did not know I had She sings like an angel and dances like she’s bad I feel her…

  • Timerain


    by Adam Hani This is the story about time. They call it next tune. I swim in my sleep. And never quite reach the deep All but washed that she should hear If he was born in the rainy season I wonder-know that there will be no ships coming After the rainy season, was the…

  • First Love

    First Love

    by Tasneem Nagi School rides Were my favourite parts of the day Because it’s when I was closest to you Sitting on the passenger seat Heading east My eyes would catch the gold from sun rays I look in the rear mirror and I say “Baba, my eyes look weird in the sun.” In the…

  • سبحان الله

    سبحان الله

    by Nazim Sirag طرح برنامج ما يطلبه القارئون الذي يقدمه الأخ الحبيب هوزة العسل في قناة الإنتهازية السابعة ثلاث عناوين لثلاث نوتات ليختار المارون على جداريتنا موضوع البرية القادم وبعد عملية تصويت نزيهة إستمرت ثلاثة أيام وبرعاية دولية ومراقبة إقليمية أعلن الأخ موسى عثمان موسى رئيس مفوضية التصويت أن نوت سبحان الله حازت على أعلى…