by Qutouf Yahia

We are
every unspoken word
because it was needless to say
that with each given day
we crash and we burn
then we rise from the ashes
Camera light flashes
and we hide our stashes
of fermented thoughts compressed in a brewer because there are too many out spoken notions to reflect on those truer
to the cause,
to the generation and the citation of triviality

Wer are
born without purpose
so we follow in the footprints of those who lead by example
example of Hippocratic corpus.
We eat what they put on our plate everyday at dinner at eight.
While they chew on their stew that they threw through the field and watched till it came into view, and they knew once it grew that One, they would have to pursue something new. That two, they would have to review how they construe every sense and intention into an understanding more true, to their reality and the picture they drew with all the shades of blue as they tried to get a clue about why apologies are due every time the birds flew and every where the wind blew till they came to the conclusion that its all about the shoe.

And if it fits.

We are
not ignorant
indifference is choice
and we choose to ignore
because to beg to differ
we have to use our voice
and we’d rather be mute than unheard.
Fear of rejection is holding us back
and it feeds the esteem that we most definitely lack
as we try to hide the mental evolution but every once in a while we stutter a solution in a tongue tied contribution to move forward the execution of the long awaited retribution of those who beg for absolution
for this is our revolution.


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