Tag: Poetry
by Tasneem Nagi 2 كان واقفاً هناك، في زاوية الغرفة قبالة النافذة، وقميصه ذو الخطوط السوداء الطولية ينقصه زر أشهق مصارعة ضجيج أعماقي بحثاً عن منفذ لنفس هواء، أتأمله وهو يسند جسده النحيف الى الحائط بنصف انهزام بينما تحوم سحب دخان سجائره حول رأسه كنسور تحلق فوق جثة وسط الفوضى التي قادتني إلى هنا لم…
The NWN Feature: { Enas Suleiman }
This month’s feature poet is one of the guiding forces behind the establishment of Nas with Notepads. Enas Suleiman’s voice carries a special blend of romance and realism. NWN interviewed Enas to get a closer look at the poet and her creative process. 1. When did you start writing? I started writing when I was…
Loving You
by Sadig Gasim Mukhayer Loving you is easy ‘coz you’re beautiful But so damn hard at the same time Because your hard head hurts my sane mind Driving it behind to my insane one & I’m left trying to gain one upper hand But I find both my hands up in surrender & though tender…
Hush Hush Poetry (explicit)
by Sara Elhassan I was 15 years old and on summer vacation 2 and a half months to revert back to innocence 2 and a half months to forget about drugs, sex, and issues of race 2 and a half months to run around 7eishan (courtyards) pile in beds having late night conversations with equally innocent friends…
The Poem
By Ahmed Gihad Ibrahim I’m God’s soldier, Sudan’s soldier Sudanese and soon I’ll be a voter After all i gotta get back to my roots Sudanese I said it, and I’m proud of that truth There was a time, when I forgot where I’m from Looked at my country, and I didn’t call it home Now,…
لم تدرك معنى الحب
by Sarah Ibrahim دخلتَ عالمي الذي ثبتُّ أساسه حتى لا تتشقق جدرانه و لكن أتيتَ و هدمت الحيطان كسرت الأبواب وصلتَ الى حياة ذلك العالم قلبي! و انت لا تدري للحب معلم أريتني معنًى للسجن في حريتي سلبت الحياة من أيامي خدعتني بأمانٍ واهية و معسول الكلمات التي تخرج من تلك الشفتين علمتني ان…
by Sadig Gasim Mukhayer Are you comfortable? Well lets begin. Let me paint a picture. You are seated in your favourite chair in the home of your dreams, comfort at its epitome. You have all that can come to mind and all that you desire is at your fingertips. You are happy. But fatefully you…
by Maabad Said (Temple) I spit… Tempting testaments of my temperament Like temperas of the temple of Tempe Without an instrumental, I draw mental pictures that make you tremble I draw templates of temptation at livid lava temperatures Full blown, they hit your temporal bones Fully stressed, like the tempo of a Tempest But by…
The Potato
by Sadig Gasim Mukhayer If you’re a guest, and to the food you can’t say no? Tell your host you’ve had a potato What can you use as a battery and it’s not play dough? You already know, it’s the potato If you’ve got no flavour, no ketchup, no mayo? It’s simple and plain, fry a potato…
أُدرك أن القصيده الجديده .. أنتِ
by Khalid Yassir أكتُبُ عنكِ أكتُبُ رغمي و رغم إنقطاع المداد و هجر الحروف التي ودعتني و غابت أكتُبُ عنكِ عليّ إذا ما كتبتكِ بيت قصيد و أودعتك بالحبر جوف الورق عليّ سأنســـاكِ .. شيئاً فشيئاً سأكتب علّ القصيده تحمل عني بعض الأرق أنفض عني غبار همومي .. وأكتُب أكتُبُ عنكِ وأكتُبُ أني بكـــــامل عقلي…