by Mazin M. Saeed

Play me like music.
 Play me like the beautiful music you’re so talented in making.
 For words and labels no longer describe me.
For those strings and cords could do a better jo.
 Play me.
 As smooth and soft as a violen’s melody.
 A melody so smooth to show how fragile and sensitive I actually am.
 Then contradict that violen. Contradict it with the rough cords of a guitar.
a guitar For the vibes and rhythm made by the cords explain how full of life I am.
 and add some drums. Synchronise them with the beats of my heart. Beating fast. And show how strong my life force is.
Play me like music.
And maybe use a keyboard.
 For it’s unique artifical key’s could show the contradictions that lie within me.
 For those black and white keys could explain how bipolar I am.
For it’s machine made sounds could show how fake I can be.
Play me like music.
But how will I be whole without the bass ?
 Get those speakers loud and play me like you play the bass.
 Like thunderous shouts hitting the walls to express all the rage that’s bottled up inside me.
 All the rage that I might blow up one day.
Play me like music.
Then a triangle.
 A triangle because I’m that awkward.
 A triangle because I might be that irrelevant.
Add every single instrument that you own. For I’m too confused to even tell which genre am I.  Too confused to know who am I. Add every instrument that delivers a sound. No matter how insignificant it may seem. They all connect. Because maybe. Just maybe I’ll be able to understand myself. Maybe you’ll understand me too. Maybe chaos does have an order. Maybe music can explain that order.Play me like music.
Be the conductor of this messy orchestra that I am.
It’s not even an orchestra it’s more of a rock band. For my chaotic rhythm and mysterious unexplainable energy spikes has its own beautiful melody.
Play me like music.
Play me so maybe they can. dance to me. Play me for music brings the best in everything.  Play me so maybe they’d see the beauty in me.
Play me as I sing my song. A song that expresses how emotionally wrecked I am. A song that I’ll use for my shouting no longer has meaning. A song because my screams for help are not loud enough. A song because music is the only thing I can relate to.


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