by Sadig Gasim Mukhayer

You see, I lost my soul.

You see I lost my soul in a sea I can’t control.

I can’t with hold emotions, my sanity’s over board

& life’s at times an overlord,

that dictates it’s evil hoards

Of situations, karma and weather to cause discord

So as I try to sail away, try to escape the fray

I feel that dismay has cast an array of obstacles in my way

And so in addition to the friction I meet

my own mind radiates grief to exponentiate friction heat

Starved is the addict in me, but the hungry will revolt

So I jail my will to fight, fastened in place with a bolt

But little do I know, with seclusion often grows

Distance with one’s self, so a stranger you behold

Estranged, you turn a cold, shoulder to your soul

& walk away it does, because you’ve refused it’s role

So you see I’ve lost my soul

& I mean to get it back

But if that does happen

I still don’t know how I would act


  1. Nice one Sadig!

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