by Ahmed Salah

Hiz story waz on the 17th of November 1995
This waz an event that flipped my life
It waz the day that I started to recognize

Today iz the the day of hiz demise
Az hiz lawyer I waz mesmerized
I expected tearz from hiz eyez
But He waz so damn calmed talking to hiz fam
It’s 9 a.m & the pressure iz la yo6ag
He looked at me started talking
I feel I’m mumia Abu Jamal
Sentenced to death with no crime
But it’s alright
I lived all of my life … Trying to be the man I wanna be
Who my son wanted him to see
Pleazed my peeps seeked my inner pease & I knew the recipe of living free vividly
I can rest in My grave peacefully
I Sculpted my name with respect in the streets
I lived with dignity with my family
finally I can meet my lord happily

what happened to me
I see it as a test
If i can stand tall or the ground will bang on my chest
actually I’m so blessed coz I have no regrets
Now ask the guard to get me my requests
Yo sir we want his breakfast

All what I’m thinking
iz he a fool to be this kool ?
Or I’m so screwed that I have all this cruel
Can’t forgive … knock knock
Food iz here that waz the guard
& back to the old part
He’s dying tonight
Surrendered the fight
I left the cell so quite but promised ill be their with him up in his last fight
My self Couldn’t be not his last smile & sight
But hiz last order waz  me not to attend hiz dethrow
He left me a piece of paper on it waz hiz last quote
It aint no jokes No hoax just be the Hope
It’s midnight
He’z sitting on the electric chair with pride
Looking confident & cracking a smile
Now he can see the isle
Of hiz infinite
The executioner condemn the death penalty
A Mass amount of electricity flew with symphony
Shocked him to death instantly

That waz a man hiz death had lighten
Up My path
& I’ve learned something hope y’all understand
Evil wins when good people give them a chance


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