by Mohamed Abdelkarim
To be or not to be, a question asked appropriately
And if that were the query, allow me to answer it frankly
I’d rather not be in times of ignorance blissfully
Where sorcery is piety as we turn a blind eye quietly
From many an army invading who we hold brotherly
As we adhere to nationality more than a tie so holy
Then flee consciously while they bleed copiously
Even if the enemy doesn’t enter the guilty plea
We are blameworthy for them suffering greatly
Disagree cautiously; it could be your family
Open your eyes briefly and see the fallacy clearly
See every global decree tackle us inanely
I’d rather poverty free in a world ruled righteously
Than the captivity of collecting money religiously
Or be baptized in the sea of heresy readily
The present is eerie and evil is present visibly
Where any good deed maybe even saintly
I used to believe in world peace but unfortunately
It’s a vague memory I remember now but faintly
The same world raised me a cynic ever so slightly
In a society with a heavy liability worn lightly
So I apologize politely for the plights I don’t see plainly
Let’s strive rightly to strike unawareness mainly
And heed carefully what isn’t seen implicitly
Our enemy usually isn’t who we thought formerly
It’s a sense of responsibility tapped onto rarely
And that of accountability perceived barely
Despite our frailty we’ll gain recovery early
Hopefully the Almighty leads us to prosperity presently
To overcome bravely with a faith held firmly
Any difficulty including our passivity currently
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