by Sara Babiker
This is to the parts of you forever gone
This is to another day we both stand strong
This is to every morning spent in mourning
This is to the sleepless nights
This is to the good times mostly
but also how being with you made me feel lonely
This is to how being with you completed me
This is to feeling whole
with or without to you
This is to every time we fall
This is for the last time you didn’t catch me
This is for setting each other free
This is to the past
This is to why didn’t it last?
This is to we moved too slow, we moved too fast
This Is A Celebration
Of you of me of us
to the person you once were
To the people we’ll become
For better days to come
This is me putting aside all the hate I have for you
This me burning it all
This is to nothing left but ashes
Bridges burnt, walls built and branches
This is to all the memories
This is to “perfect.”
This is to nothing is perfect
Certainly not the mistakes we’ll never correct
This is a celebration
Of an ending
Of a beginning
Of everything in between
To a friendship, to love, to being an unstable teen
This is to all the “I love you’s”
This is to I don’t feel the same way anymore
This is to I love you just as much as I have before
This is to I’m actually lying
This is to all the crying
This is to keeping it all in
This is to “people always leave.”
This is to I wish I listened
This is to I don’t regret a single thing
This is a celebration
Of all we had
To the good and the bad
This is to forgiveness
This is to mental illness
This is to forgetting
This is to remembering
This is to feeling empty
This is to I’d give in if you tempt me
This is to I’ve never been happier
This is to it I’m worse than ever
This is to I deserve better
This is to we are both stronger
This is to I keep getting weaker
This is to contradicting myself
This is to I don’t want anyone else
This is to I want anything but this mess
This is to confusion
&& your love was just an illusion
This is to it wasn’t real
but it was the closest thing to real for us to feel
it might not sound like it but..
This IS a Celebration
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