by Abubakar Elbasha

Allow me to break tradition for a second and skip the regular cliches of silent stares,
Subliminal glares and bankrupt metaphors sewn into poor pick up lines.
Because I’m trying to overlook the looks and see past the thick mask of wonder powder,
And mascara to reach into the not-so-physical make-up of your mind.
See I’ve reached a point where the basics just don’t stimulate me anymore,
So I’m trying to unlock the door to your core to see how much more you have in store for me beneath the surface,
I want to gaze into your lenses and seep through your defences from the area of infinite questions that is their interlocking sphere of influence,
To juggle your lobes while having mental intercourse with your cortex.
Because I want a girl that can decipher the fights we’ve fought even after I’ve de-railed her train of though in the heat of our battle of wits,
And think of what I’m about to say and say it before the second splits,
I don’t want a girl who’s mind collects dust particles on her skull’s shelf of unused items,
Because I’m tired of picturing mental magnificence standing behind me and turning around to find myself.
I’ve spent way too much time on rehabilitation through hardcore meditation to be rid of the poor mind tricks of my mentally challenged counterpart,
And too much effort silencing the stupidity of my heart to let my diamond reach it’s peak,
So I want to test what I’ve learned so I can earn the chance to hear your mind speak and forget the body language,
I’m more interested in your neurophysical* cleavage and the back of your head’s baggage.
So no failed attempts at looking cute like the duck faces or poor linguistics that would make my brain mute you,
Or radical stories about your past that aren’t even remotely true,
I don’t want to win with double digits in a mind games exhibition and feel discouraged to continue the fixtures,
Because I can’t count my own score with 2 thumbs and 8 fingers.
So excuse me if I break tradition and aim for the head before the time on my interest meter is done,
Believe me, I’m no neurologist, I just like a girl with a brain,
Tell me you have one.
* the word ‘neurophysical’ is trademark


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