by Maabad Said 

I’m Retro

If being Retro,
Refers to a time…
Where Meaning succumbed Rhyme
Then I’m definitely Retro…

If it refers to when music and songs had a Message,
Not Anthems of asses and cleavage
Or remotely pornographic
But, today the songs we listened to,
Are called old school, they’re called Classics
But that was where we lived…
And thrived… and grew up…
I got shot five times and i’m still breathing
Its proof there’s a God if you need a reason
End quote
I still listen to 2Pac and Marley and so…
In your eyes I am Retro

And, does anyone else miss full-length dresses ?

To this day, why is a veil still worn by the bride ?
It ‘s because the veil is the hard-headed shell
That keeps the pearl inside…
And I’m imprisoned by my beliefs
It feels like the whole World is just beyond a glass box 
In which I am trapped, trying desperately to break outside
And though this shell, will be my living hell…
My agony, I swallow in Pride
And I happily oblige…
To the cost of being Retro

See, I come from a time
Where men were men, and women were ladylike
Now, u cant tell them apart… despite
God created us brothers with tempers, clumsy hands and high pressures
And we learnt to love it
God created you sisters beautiful, feminine and full of love
So why does the tree’s apple
Strain so much, to fall far away from it
While all it had to do… was stay Retro

If being Retro refers to…
When there was no Collision between Life and Religion
Then I always will be retro

If it refers to…
When you yearned to learn…
When you could live without… and still enjoy and have fun
When you didn’t need to drink alcohol and roll blunts
When in the same playing field, you’d find ministers’ sons
Playing with the less fortunate ones
When I learnt what it meant to be disciplined by a neighbor,
or a perfect stranger
And if I complained I’d be slipper-slapped by my mother
But I got sense, decency, charity, and righteousness Beat into me
And don’t you Get confused, see, I was never abused
My big head got less thick everyday
And even if to some, it might sound appalling
But they were always a step away
To catch me when i was falling
I wont raise my kid, one day, in any other way
And I’ll teach him to be Retro

If it’s Retro now, it wasnt back then…
Back when …
If ur father entered the room, YOU WOULD STAND UP !
And you lowered your gaze until you got
Either the back hand slap
Or the friendly pat on the back
When you learnt to show him the proper respect
And not treat him like your own little piggy bank
And just as indifferent
So in that aspect, I guess I’m retro

If i don’t appreciate “wein ya asli” and “shnu ya man”
If i don’t appreciate this mutulated dialect…
If i don’t appreciate senselessness, and absolute lack of intellect
If i don’t appreciate speaking like I was under the influence
I apologize…
For my father taught me to speak with confidence
So in essence…
He taught me to be Retro

But I am not arrogant
I dont claim to be the last of dying breed
But Is it wrong… for me to long…

For a time when
Generosity supersedes
The monstrosities of greed
So, My philosophy and creed
My audacity and need
Is to continue being Retro

Why do we keep questioning that which was written
And move mountains to prove El Bor3i’s urban legends
Why do we ignore the signs and why we failed to listen
To HE who does not age…
And I… I remember the days
Before Before…
Before every self-acclaimed Sheikh
Found it in his “unholy” worth
To misinterpret, quote, unquote the Holy Verse
And have misguided harems of little boy-servants, and maidens
Poor souls that think…
They won Lottery tickets to God’s undying Eden

-There are not shortcuts to the heavens
There is no Facebook
There are no verses to post, there are no ahadeeth to share
To nullify the sins u bare
U won’t get salvation because some Priest said so
I’ll do it the old way, the hard way
I’ll pray and fast and worship
And I will stay… RETRO

احلى كلمة… قولة يمة
قولة السلام عليكم في شارع ضلمة
او قولة اتفضل من ناس متلمة
في صحن قتة و كورة لقمة
و كباية شاي تروق دمّا
و رقدة ساعة في حصير تنجما
ووصلة رحم والناس تهتما
و هرشة خالك و حضن العمة
حليلو زمااااااااان
زمان الهمة


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